So… last Sunday my women’s Sunday school class wanted me to make a Pact with them. I love Pacts. They keep it real. And they add a degree of suspense to my day that otherwise would be, you know, laundry and Connect Four. Pacts are all Survivor-y and Hunger Games-ish. I like to dial-up my inner Katniss. So I was all, I’m IN! The odds are ever in my favor! And I look so CUTE in a side hair braid anyhow!
But. I digress.
Here’s the Pact: We would not say anything negative TO or ABOUT our husbands for an entire week.
I’m already trying to test the fine print on this one.
It’s just… he’s cute. And as far as easy prey goes? He’s a baby turtle buffet. I love, LOVE teasing the man. Just adore it. It is the wind beneath my wings, the Snark attack. It gives me such great joy. I KNOW Jesus would understand. I mean, really, He SAYS we are to choose joy, right? That’s in the bible somewhere*. Right? And Snark is my love language.
Sigh. Perhaps I have gone on enough about levels of Snark of which I am capable. It makes me sound… callous and uncaring.
Nah, I got more.
I was thinking about how we operate, we Snarkalots. We circle in. We do a lot of side eye-ing. We wait for it… and then, BAM! We find fresh meat.
Generally speaking, Snark attacks work best in packs. (A pack of Snarks is called a Snack, by the way.) Snarking alone? Possible, but not as… satisfying.
For those of you gentle souls who are on the baby turtle side of life, the following is a helpful tool for keeping the Snarks at bay. With Snarks, sometimes the best bet is simply: Don’t go in the water. Stay away.
The hubs is really good at this. He simply smiles, and wanders off whenever the Snark fin appears. He then settles down on his beach (couch) with lots of sports, ESPN, and some chips, and in all his affable detachment he just doesn’t even let me BITE. Maddening. But smart. Snark repellant.
Momsie’s Dictionary of Snark Terminology:
There’s a Snark in the water: The ominous Snark music is cued, and one should start heading for dry ground.
Bull snark: The snark is recognized as being very very full of poop. Note: This does not deter the Snark. Of course.
Snarknado: When other Snarks join in, and it’s a frenzy of Snarkism. It’s more fun this way. See also: Marital Discord.
Snark Tank: An attempt at Snark that just… fails. As in, hits bottom. Sinks. Goes belly up. Note: This does not deter the Snark. Of course. A Snark’s gotta keep moving.
Snark Week: Generally this week is fueled and fed by crazy hormones. It is best not to speak of this week. It’s too graphic.
Great White Snark: Snark’s first appearance at the pool. Other snark mommies show up. It’s paleness all around. See also: Pool Snark.
Pool Snark: a special breed of Snark that wears the “Mom suit,” lots of SPF 50, and downtime. Snark usually increases exponentially at the pool due to heat and glare. It’s easier to Snark behind gigantic, dark sunglasses.
Killer snark: You know when you really are SPOT on with some snark and it just is sooooo perfect? The zinger? The APEX of snark? Note: Can have harmful side effects on marital relations. See Jumping the Snark. and Marital Discord. Again.
Basking snark: Summer Snark is finding her tan. Also: A Killer Snark just surfaced and Snark Momsie is basking in the glow.
Jumping the Snark: Snarking has gone too far. The end is near. Your relationship with your husband (main Snark recipient) has decided to cancel your show.
CLAWS: 70’s blockbuster about a snark with a particularly evil set of claws. And yes, I know we’re mixing metaphors here but stay with me.
And finally…
“We’re gonna need a bigger gloat”: The Snark has become so full of herself that she uses movie quotes to savor the moment. See Basking Snark. And also: Marital Counseling .
After all this, there is really only one final term that any good Snark needs to know:
Remorsa: Uh, this one kinda speaks for itself.
*The Momsie Bible maybe… the Newly Organized and Paraphrased Edition ( or the NOPE ) is my go-to bible for highly doctored, often massively inaccurate mutations of verses so I can prove a point or make my life easier.
Oh my friends. Try to tame your inner Snark. Or your husband will eventually start acting like this guy:
Of course, I have to leave you with this:
You’re welcome.